This is byADL v 0.0.1: an Eclipse-based tool for creating, customizing and adapting architectural languages to the ever evolving stakeholder concerns. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Windows Bundle: The Windows bundle of byADL consists of the Eclipse Modeling Tools Ganymede package and the DUALLy 1.1.0 distribution. More specifically this Eclipse Package contains the following plugins: org.eclipse.emf.cdo.sdk 1.0.0.v200806180411 0.8.0.v200806180301 org.eclipse.emf.ecore.sdo.sdk 2.4.0.v200806091234 0.7.0.v200806130939 org.eclipse.emf.ecoretools.sdk 0.8.0.v200806130600 org.eclipse.emf.emfqtv.all.sdk 1.2.0.v200805130238-35-9-FF4TAdDtyhfiKaEtz0gsQQT 0.7.0.v200806172223 org.eclipse.emf.sdk 2.4.0.v200806091234 0.7.0.v200806130939 org.eclipse.emf.teneo.sdk 1.0.0.v200806111928-3--87D3BKcgLUKa6ESidYXUVVFGE org.eclipse.epp.usagedata.feature 1.0.0.R200806162215 org.eclipse.gef.sdk 3.4.0.v20080115-7B7E-97OK5c7PDdDMPMcHNPTM3CD org.eclipse.gmf.sdk 2.1.0.v20080501-1739-7_77-A9Tdn-VSYbUc0oz-hiY5gdz org.eclipse.jet.sdk 0.9.0.v20080516-07X-82Te4djSEJpBWJX org.eclipse.m2m.atl.sdk 2.0.0.v200806101117 org.eclipse.m2m.qvt.oml.sdk 1.0.0.v20080611-1330-7_--AAKDAeC4okgF98SvgNel8wUW org.eclipse.mylyn.bugzilla_feature 3.0.0.v20080619-1900 org.eclipse.mylyn.context_feature 3.0.0.v20080619-1900 org.eclipse.mylyn.ide_feature 3.0.0.v20080619-1900 org.eclipse.mylyn.java_feature 3.0.0.v20080619-1900 org.eclipse.mylyn.team_feature 3.0.0.v20080619-1900 org.eclipse.mylyn_feature 3.0.0.v20080619-1900 org.eclipse.net4j.sdk 1.0.0.v200806180305 org.eclipse.ocl.all.sdk 1.2.0.v200805130238-67_8Y_-NQOdLfTWFhivwhwxdBhdq org.eclipse.sdk 3.4.0.v20080522-7O7S-CHEp2gcoGjmFFomLz-d5M8NdvuPgDrH17jw0Mvhe 0.7.0.v200806130939 org.eclipse.uml2.sdk 2.2.0.v200805201126 0.7.0.v200806130939 org.eclipse.uml2tools.sdk 0.8.0.v200806112132 org.eclipse.xsd.sdk 2.4.0.v200806091234 org.eclipse.weaver.extension.dually byADL is compatible also with other (older) versions of these plugins, this Windows Bundle is intended to provide a modeling framework as up-to-date as possible. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- byADL Eclipse Plugin Binaries: The installation of the byADL plug-in consists in the copy of the "" folder into the 'plugins' directory of your Eclipse platform. The required plugins are: ATL 2.0.0.v200806101117 AMW October 15th, 2007 UML2 2.2.0.v200805201126 UML2 Tools 0.8.0.v200806112132 DUALLy 1.1.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- byADL Eclipse Plugin sources: This is a zipped archive of the Eclipse plug-in project of byADL. This plugin-project can be imported into an Eclipse framework performing the following steps: 1) extract the archive in any directory (say C:\downloads); 2) run Eclipse; 3) click on File->import...->Existing project into workspace and select the directory C:\downloads; 4) select the listed Plug-in project and click OK. The required plugins are listed in the plugin.xml definition file stored into this archive. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The IECS-MS case study: We consider the Darwin ADL as the staging point for the composition. Now we cover all the concerns of a possible system being developed (e.g., fault tolerance, direct link to the development process, and so on) by extending it with other architectural concepts. We do this incrementally, by firstly adding to Darwin the idealized fault tolerant component model that is one of the solutions extensively used to make an architecture fault tolerant. Then we integrate Darwin extended with fault tolerance with the development process in Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) and finally the obtained ADL is customized by adding software connectors as firstclass elements. We use the architectural notation resulted from the composition to model a real software architecture. The modeled system is called Integrated Environment for Communication on Ship (IECS), and its models are provided in the byADLexample archive available here: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The details and informations about byADL can be found in the following web-site: