This is byADL v0.0.2: an Eclipse-based tool for creating, customizing and adapting architectural languages to the ever evolving stakeholder concerns. The main features of byADL v0.0.2 are those presented in this paper: Davide Di Ruscio, Ivano Malavolta, Henry Muccini, Patrizio Pelliccione, Alfonso Pierantonio "ByADL: An MDE Framework for Building Extensible Architecture Description Languages", ECSA 2010 The current byADL v0.0.2 prototype implements the features presented in the paper with some limitations: - The managemenet of UML profiles is still not realized in byADL. We developed a generic and fully automatic bridge between UML profiles and EMF metamodels, but it is currently under testing; - the import of weaving models (.amw files) and their property files (.amw.prop files) is not realized; - the update of ecore, UML profile, and amw files when they are already in the repository is not implemented yet; - the update of metadata related to metamodels in the repository is not implemented. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Windows Bundle: The Windows bundle of byADL consists of the AMMAPrototype, that is a specific Eclipse distribution mainly used for testing the AMMA modeling platform, extended with: - byADL itself, - DUALLy (, - a modified version of the ATL engine which facilitates our tracing mechanism. The original AMMAPrototype distribution is available here: byADL is compatible also with other Eclipse distributions and it is platform independent, this Windows Bundle is intended to provide a modeling framework as up-to-date and stable as possible. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- byADL Eclipse Plugin Binaries: The installation of the byADL plugins consists in extracting all the files contained into and copying them into the 'plugins' directory of your Eclipse platform. The required plugins are: ATL 2.0.0.v200806101117 AMW October 15th, 2007 UML2 2.2.0.v200805201126 UML2 Tools 0.8.0.v200806112132 DUALLy 1.1.0, Epsilon Eugenia 0.8.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- byADL Eclipse Plugin sources: This is a zipped archive of the source Eclipse projects of byADL v 0.0.2. These projects can be imported into an Eclipse framework by following these steps: 1) extract the archive in any directory (say C:\downloads); 2) run Eclipse; 3) click on File->import...->Existing project into workspace and select the directory C:\downloads; 4) select the listed projects and click OK. The required plugins are listed in the plugin.xml definition files stored into each project. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Example: we presented a tool demonstration of byADL at the ECSA 2010 international conference. The source files of the demo can be downloaded from here: so that people interested in using byADL can reproduce our demo. Briefly, the Demo is about extending Darwin with Behavior and Software Connectors an about using the extended Darwin for modelling an Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) system. A small guide of the Demo is also included in its downloadable package. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ More details and info about byADL can be found here: